Wrong-Way Driver Detection


NavTech ClearWay

What is it?

If a wrong way driver is not detected and dealt with instantly, they will be endangering the lives of themselves and other road users. ClearWay if installed at roadside will detect the vehicle and alert operators in less than 10 seconds, providing emergency services with the maximum time to reach the driver and intervene. It also allows operators time to activate necessary warning signs. 


How it works

  • ClearWay continuously monitors all activity on the highway, across all lanes, in both directions. 
  • The solution operates consistently in all weather (fog, snow, and rain) and light conditions (darkness to sun glare) 

Key features

Rapid alerts when incidents detected

Alerts the operator rapidly, providing the operator with maximum time available to manage the situation and deal with it effectively to minimize secondary impacts and reduce damage. 

Activate warning signs to alert other drivers

When a wrong way driver is detected, it can activate warning signs to alert other drivers using that road. In the control room, traffic control can decide to close lanes or change speed limits following an alarm.  

Low false alarm rates

Boasts unrivalled rates of low false alarms. Reliable and accurate data means operators can maintain a high level of trust in the system. 

Low cost of ownership

No maintenance required for the 10-year design life. Automatic operation 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.