Written by: rafa
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How Will Innovative, Next Generation Traffic Management Systems Work?

How Will Innovative, Next Generation Traffic Management Systems Work?   At D2 Traffic Technologies, we offer next gen solutions to power both smart cities and the future of traffic management. But how will the …
By rafa
August 4, 2023
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Smart City Technology Can Change the Way We Live 

Smart City Technology Can Change the Way We Live  At D2 Traffic Technologies, we use the words "smart city" often. An umbrella term for a host of services and solutions, Smart City Technology can …
By rafa
July 21, 2023
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Important News: How Do RSUs Enforce Carpool Lanes to Help Traffic Flow?

How Do RSU's Enforce Carpool Lanes? At D2 Traffic, one of our top-of-the-line traffic solutions is the In-Vision Vehicle Occupancy Detection (VOD) System. The In-Vision system is a roadside unit (iRSU), which tests the precision …
By rafa
July 7, 2023